Shared Resources at Georgetown University

Georgetown researchers have access to state-of-the-art equipment, technical expertise, and knowledge through Georgetown University’s Shared Resources. New services are continually being developed and brought online to accommodate rapidly changing demands and new technologies.
Shared Resources
The Shared Resources provide cost-effective use of state-of-the-art technologies and methods to all Georgetown researchers. Multiple shared resources provide services in a variety of computational, molecular, cellular, informatic, animal model and other preclinical areas. Other shared resources focus on clinical and behavioral research and include all aspects of therapeutic and non-therapeutic clinical trial activities, such as patient consent and recruitment, questionnaire and survey services, and data monitoring.
- Animal Models
- Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
- Flow Cytometry & Cell Sorting
- Genomics & Epigenomics
- Histopathology & Tissue
- Microscopy & Imaging
- Survey, Recruitment, and Biospecimen Collection
- Mass Spectrometry and Analytical Pharmacology
- Tissue Culture and Biobanking
- Computational Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Center for Functional and Molecular Imaging
- Drug Discovery and Development
- Biorepositories at Georgetown Lombardi
- Naonoscience and Microtechnology Laboratory
- Soft Matter Characterization Laboratory
Georgetown University has established several partnerships that allow GUMC investigators access to additional resources available at other institutions.
- The Mid-Atlantic Shared Resources Consortium
- Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS)
Director: Stephen Byers, PhD
New Research Building E415 | (202) 687-1813 I
Administrative Director: David Goerlitz, MS
New Research Building E501 | (202) 687-0832 |
SR Financial Director: Kevin Lamont Diggs, MSA
(202) 687-6860 |